Puzzle through LEGO DIMENSIONS Portal 2 with Chell! Armed with only her portal gun and her wits, journey as Chell and battle through the newly rebuilt Portal2 Aperture Science Test Labs filled with puzzles, Thermal Discouragement Beams, Neurotoxins and GLaDOS! Build Chell, attach her to the LEGO Toy Tag and place her on the LEGO Toy Pad to see her spring to life in the game. Activate her special Acrobat and Portal Gun abilities to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies, and if she’s in a tight spot, call in the rebuildable 3-in-1 Companion Cube and Sentry Turret to help her escape from GLaDOS and Portal’s puzzle-filled world! "Unlocks the exclusive Portal 2 “A Portal 2 Adventure” level. Rebuild the Companion Cube into a Laser Deflector and Gold Heart Emitter. Rebuild the Sentry Turret into a Turret Striker and Flying Turret Carrier.
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Puzzle through LEGO DIMENSIONS Portal 2 with Chell! Armed with only her portal gun and her wits, journey as Chell and battle through the newly rebuilt Portal2 Aperture Science Test Labs filled with puzzles, Thermal Discouragement Beams, Neurotoxins and GLaDOS! Build Chell, attach her to the LEGO Toy Tag and place her on the LEGO Toy Pad to see her spring to life in the game. Activate her special Acrobat and Portal Gun abilities to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies, and if she’s in a tight spot, call in the rebuildable 3-in-1 Companion Cube and Sentry Turret to help her escape from GLaDOS and Portal’s puzzle-filled world! "Unlocks the exclusive Portal 2 “A Portal 2 Adventure” level. Rebuild the Companion Cube into a Laser Deflector and Gold Heart Emitter. Rebuild the Sentry Turret into a Turret Striker and Flying Turret Carrier.
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